Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010.

The Northeast missed being whalloped by the storm that dumped 2 - 3 feet of snow south from southern NJ through the mid-Atlantic. There's another predicted for Wednesday, though, so I can only hope we'll be that lucky again, especially since the LIRR has commented that they will cease all operations if there's more than 10 inches of snow - to avoid having another incident with a stuck train (but stranding millions of passengers in NYC would be OK? Sheesh. Talk about excessive ...).

Despite the bountiful sun today it's still pretty darn cold and after attending my last NYC RWA chapter meeting yesterday, I've got just today to get all my errands and chores done. BUT I feel a sense of freedom, having delivered the certificate to the Love & Laughter contest winner, which ends my 2009 VP responsibilities, and is the last of all my RWA chapter responsibilities (that have overwhelmed me for the past 3 years).

So today is the first day on which I feel that I can focus, solely, on my own work. Having gotten my first novel completed on December 30, 2009, I am now heading into revisions and re-writes. Once all the running around (food shopping, picking up Mom's meds, and repairing the shower - I swear, I wish they had Rent-A-Guy so I could just pay for one to come over and do things like that. I don't need a plumber - ka-CHING - just a pair of capable hands and that Y chromosome.)

For now - looking forward to focusing on me, me, ME. And getting my urban fantasy baby all dolled up to send out.

1 comment:

  1. hi my head is rather spinning from the amount of blogs you have. You are a wearer of many different hats eh? Can't find your email so please contact me on emmakcontact[at] Have a great writing weekend
