Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31, 2009

I have got to get a grip. I make plans (lists, lists, I love lists) and then they burst like so many soap bubbles that kids blow from those little bottles of goo.

I've got the energy and the time. I need to prioritize and stop letting the bull-sh_t of life so blind me to the opportunities I have.

GRRR! Get with the program! (I said to me.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25, 2009. Energetic (sort of).

I woke up this morning feeling a bit recharged. I'd read my own cards and was reassured that I was making good choices. I've been drained by demands on me and unpleasant twists of fate, but after a long stretch of bullshit have managed to claw my way back to the surface.

I have a game plan (what else is new, said the list-writing fool). I have tried to focus on what I am most enamored of - really, hot, sexy romance, from sexy sexy to erotica - and calculate what I can do to evolve.

Branding, of course, comes to mind, as does focusing on the actual writing of stuff (always something I forget!!?!?!).

I got yelled at a bunch of times today by the boss man (no matter how hard I try I get the big rasberry). Mom was, well, as has been the case the last couple of weeks, a bit in the bag. That's depressing, of course, and I feel anxious trying to focus on what she might be missing, overlooking, etc.

OK, so on from there I have LOTS of ideas (as per usual) and hope that my skills won't desert me even if the fates are spitting in my eye.

Now, though, it's time for beddy by. (How do you spell that?)

I've got a couple more days of slogging through the day job but I'm going to be signing off now only to write!

Yeah, like for ten minutes.


Welcome to my mad, mad, mad, mad world!

Want to see inside the mind - and experience the world - of an easily-distracted, list-obsessed, pre-published, fiendishly blogging, Bud Lite drinking, bibliomaniacal, snarky, fierce, overly-sensitive, loud, compulsive singing, legal secretary, LIRR commuter, Long Island-living, greyhound adopting, gardening, writer of romance, women's fiction, paranormal, erotica, historical fiction?

This is the place!'

I'm Lise and I'm a writer.

Be afraid.