Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

It's here. The new year, the new decade. And I'm very excited about this year. Last year (and the year before) I had taken on way too many non-writing responsibilities for RWA chapters. This year they have all concluded and I am FREE FREE FREE to write.

I ended 2009 on a high note, however, despite the setbacks, frustration, procrastination, anxiety and myriad responsibilities that kept me from my writing. My Mother's challenge to me - her insistence that what she wanted for Christmas was a completed novel - caused me no end of angst from the minute she made the request (in October) until December 1. I tried 2 different novels (one based on her suggestion that I write "what I know" and write a romance set in an enterainment law firm, but toiling away all week in same made that a far less appealing concept.) I couldn't come up with anything that tempted me or inspired me and dropped that idea. I had a 2nd idea and wrote about 50 pages of it (based on a NYC, gossip type plot). But nope, didn't grab me. Then on December 1 I decided I had to write what I really was enthused about. I returned to an older idea - an urban fantasy with lots of adventure and humor - that I'd originally entitled Dead Man Talking. I wrote 1 first scene, and then a later scene that subsequently won third place in an RWA contest. But never went further. But I've thought about it in the 2 years since I started and that was the novel I decided, ultimately, to write.

Between 12/2 and 12/24 I wrote 200 pages, and added them to the other 20 pages already written. I gave Mother 1/2 of the newly titled BLACK MAGIC WOMAN on Christmas Eve. And them from 12/26 - 12/30 (that's right, FOUR FREAKING DAYS) I wrote another 128 pages. The total page count: 348. Total word count: 75,000.

She got the second half last evening.

My first, first draft, done, completed, finished. There's a lot of editing to be done, certainly, but I've already begun the editing process. And have spotted some great ways to add to what I already think is a great, fun, rollicking novel. Lots to do on it, but this milestone is HUGE.

And it means I can check off at least one of my 2009 goals: Finish a book. And it means I can start 2010 with a sense of accomplishment and success that will fuel me as I move forward in a new decade.

Color me totally psyched!

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