The upside? More time to write, of course!
So what am I up to? Same old, same old, actually, as has been the case for a bit. I've got my erotic vampire novella up and then my Gothic novella. And in between I am working on an erotic short piece that I hope to submit on my birthday (15 days from now). Beyond that, of course, are my longer projects (as my Grandma always said, my eyes are bigger than my stomach, and it doesn't just mean about food, either!).

Am I the only one who gets so overzealous about projects that not a single one ever reaches fruition? I certainly hope I'm not alone, but then again I wouldn't wish this on others as it is FRUSTRATING!
But I am going for the gusto, the brass ring, the gold, "Just do it!" as Nike says. And by the end of this week I will, by golly, have something to show for it!
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