"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." Woody Allen.
OK, so the Wood-ster tends to annoy me with his bizarre Soon-yi think (way to close to pedophilia for me, but hey, whatever floats your boat, dude - she was, after all legal age).
Whoops, here I am waxing all serious, when what I meant to say was, despite his shortcomings, you have to agree the Wood-ster is hugely amusing.
I was prompted to use this quote because I spent yesterday afternoon laughing. And it could not have been more timely, because I'd spent the day before in a rage. So all was made better by a terrifically funny Patt Mihailoff presentation about life, love, friends, foster care and writing books - romance, horror, historical, confession. She is a great entertainer and as generous with her enthusiasm as she is with her hugs and her support.
So, despite the face that the weathermen were wrong (gasp! could it be so???) and it is raining today - that sort of drizzling, spitting type of weather that means you can't sit outside or work, but it isn't terribly beneficial to anything else, either.
But what I just realized it DID mean is that I don't HAVE to go work outside, clean, rake, plant, etc. I can relax and enjoy the 1 day I do have to myself since yesterday's RWA/NYC chapter brunch, subsequent board meeting and a brief dinner/drinks gathering whereat we watched the Kentucky Derby, and I didn't get home until 9.
So today I have the chance to catch up on my blogging (I've been SO REMISS), as well as get some organizing done, cleaning, and put together a stellar list of questions for my interview of Lauren Willig.
PLUS write a chapter blog on alternative ways to write even if you haven't sold a book. Short Fiction!
But I also have to get involved in my potential, intended Blaze novel, and continue my writing and plotting. I have the overview done and know where I'm going to start and where I'm going to end and how, generally, I intend to get there, but not all the little stops and details along the way.
So I have a day to chill and indulge myself in my writing.